A lovely lazy winter walk

harewood walk

These crisp sunny winter days lend themselves beautifully to long lazy walk in one of our local estates.

It’s easy to see Harewood as just a playground and bird garden. We have all as parents spent far too many hours watching our little ones climb the extremes of the adventure playground and we love you penguins but enough is enough.

There is so much more to this beautiful estate and now is the time to get in there and explore.

There is a lovely walk entering the Harewood Estate on the Leeds Country Way off the A61. As you leave Harewood village with the House and Estate on your right driving towards Leeds you will see a left turn for Wike and parking available on the right just as you have turned. You then cross the A61 and enter through the Estate gate which is always open. You are elevated above Harewood House which is down to your right. This is a beautiful circular 11k walk through the estate but you can go as far as you or rather your kids wish on that path. You never know they just might surprise you!

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