Breaking bad … habits!

The Weightloss Queen -Week 1

I definitely had a rebellion against food in my late teens, I was earning money and I would eat what I liked. Unfortunately the choices I made were never the wisest, a triple pack of Flakes was perfectly acceptable as a meal replacement, preferably breakfast.

By the time I had reached my late 20’s this had definitely formed a habit and why would I care, I could eat what I wanted and while my weight only fluctuated by a few pounds I didn’t really care. Gradually over the years I started to care but regaining control is not so easy especially in this day and age when you are constantly bombarded by different diet/healthy eating plans.

And so I find myself sat with Karen the Weightloss Queen who is going through my checkered food intake which can only be described as erratic and unconventional. I did fairly recently melt a cream egg in a croissant and would never dream of eating it with raspberries!

Karen is not offering a quick fix and that is definitely not what I need, she is working with me to change habits formed over 30 years and that takes time and commitment. Karen works through a combination of coaching and hypnotherapy with really excellent proven results. I am not looking to lose weight, I am looking to gain control.

With my new food rules (no counting calories or weighing just really simple common sense) and a couple of tools to use in moments of weakness, I set off on my first week.

So what happened?

  1. I learned that I wasn’t eating enough, I am now eating three correctly sized portions a day.
  2. I wasn’t eating enough protein, as I am not a huge meat eater Karen advised me how to get it into breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  3. I always buy a bar of chocolate when I go to the supermarket and petrol station, this is a habit, half the time I don’t even remember eating them. So far so good with the tools Karen gave me this has stopped.
  4. I was drinking FAR too much coffee, I am now down to one or two a day.
  5. I realised I do a lot of subconscious snacking, again Karen has given me the tools to stop.
  6. I always ate everything on my plate whether I wanted it or not. Now that I think more about my portions I am putting less on my plate and stopping when I am full.

And the results?

I have lost weight and inches but more importantly I have felt much more in control. The fact that I am drinking less coffee and thinking more about what and how much I put on my plate has meant that I have more energy.

Week 1 has been all about that first week enthusiasm but will I be able to maintain that into week 2?


Karen Brindle,
Weight Loss Coach,
Mindset & Motivation Expert
and Clinical Hypnotherapist

Call: 07825 021 518

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