….but does energy?

There have been many times over the last couple of years when people have suggested meditation as a way of calming a frazzled mind and there have been many times that I have tried it through various apps for varying amounts of time. I have decided though that meditation is not for me because although it stops me sweating the big stuff for that short space of time, it allows the voice in my head to SCREAM the small stuff at me………..’you’ve forgotten to put apples on the shopping list’ to the point where I have to give up and update my shopping list. Plus part of me has also always felt a little guilty that a spare 10 minutes should actually be spent reading a book or ironing.

I am not a person who has ever believed in the ‘universe is talking to you’ or ‘ask and it is given’ and a self help book to me is the autobiography of someone who makes me laugh. I’m somewhat more in the ‘have a large G&T, stick on some gangsta rap and everything will seem fine in the morning’ camp.

On paper Adele from Concept to Creation was not someone I should be drawn to but perhaps the universe was talking to me, and after I met her at a networking event I immediately was. Perhaps it was her back story, years in the corporate world, living and working in London that intrigued me to find out how she is now a Business and Intuitive Consultant and Reiki Master in the beautiful wilds of North Yorkshire.

And so this was how I found myself in her very calm treatment room about to have Reiki and guidance, a treatment I knew nothing about. So I could now tell you a bit about Adele’s personal journey  which is fascinating, but I want to tell you about the experience in that room. It was like nothing I have felt before ever. I have never been in such a relaxed state while being awake, I was definitely still in the room but my mind had closed down completely and I almost felt like I was floating. I was  aware that Adele was in the room and lets be honest this was only the second time I had met her, but I felt like I was alone, lost in relaxation. The treatment was followed with a herbal tea and some further insights which have really resonated with me over the following weeks. I left with notes and tasks and a deep sense of inner calm that I haven’t felt for years. The next day I was quite emotional but in a get it all out kind of way. This was followed by feelings of strength that usually only the lyrics of Chuck D can induce.

I still can’t tell you much about how Reiki works but I can strongly recommend that you book yourself out half a day and go and turn on, tune in and drop out with Adele.

Concept to Creation

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